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go big reds!

Chippewa Valley High School


go big reds!

Chippewa Valley High School

go big reds!

Chippewa Valley High School

Staff Bios.

Mike Dimitrie

Head Freshman Coach

Girls Freshman Softball

Coach Mike Dimitrie has been teaching at CVHS for eleven years and for seven seasons was the Freshman Boys Baseball coach until his twins were born in the summer of 2014.  Mike have always been a big fan of baseball and softball and played extensively growing up, including during his time as a student at CVHS (Class of 1998).  He graduated from Western Michigan University in 2003 and spent four years serving with AmeriCorps before returning to CVHS to begin teaching in 2007. Mike is excited about his third season as the freshman softball coach and looks forward to a season focused on player-development, having fun and winning games.
